The game actually sees you linking squares together to try and make them green. To turn them green you need to link them to the the number on the square (just follow the rules which are below).

The game looks incredibly simple from the rules and in fact it is simple sadly it's a bit too simple and even when your in the later levels the game doesn't really give any major challenge as you'd perhaps expect it to. Instead of mentally challenging you it ends up sadly boring you as you brisk your way through the game which lacks any major mental tests.

Although it's playable enough, if far too easy, it's really the other aspects that leave the game feeling shallow. The graphics for example are really really dull, the background doesn't change from the dull 2-tone colouring and the "squares" are always one of 3 colours. If you then count the black and white of the numbers the entire game uses just 7 colours. Whilst there is no need to use all whatever million colours the phones can show a few more colours, variable backgrounds and even obstacles would make the game look better and be tougher.
The sound is another issue or rather the complete lack of sound. There is no music, there is no sound effects, it's just complete silence. This is a shame as again the game could seriously use some form of background music, or even a celebratory noise when you've managed to complete a level. It's a shame that something so simple hasn't been put into the game.
Addictiveness-4/10 It is fun to start but no challenge so you won't find yourself hooked for too long
Controls-8/10 They do their job and are really simple.
Graphics-4/10 Uninspiring and unexciting
Sounds-0/10 Silence means a score of 0
Originality-4/10 There is a bunch of similar games that manage to do it better.
This has a lot of potential though sadly they've failed to really go with the potential. If mkoss want to update the game they need to put in some sort of obstacles to add difficultly, some sounds and music to make it more fulfilling and some different backgrounds as the current one just feels boring after 3 or 4 levels. It seems like they could make some easy improvements to make the game better and hopefully they will. Sadly as it is, it didn't turn me on, rather turned me off tbh.
Game mark C-
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