Straight from the initial title screen you can tell the game has a cute feel to it and it's a feeling that continues well into game play which sees you whacking the red and pink moles and trying to protect the "cute" little ginger one...I know, why would anyone want to protect a ginger animal? But I didn't create it sadly and funweaver will need to answer questions about protecting gingers. To whack a mole you need to tap the mole when it pops out of it's little hole and you need to make sure you whack the red ones and the pink ones. You have 3 lives and lose a life if you either let a bad mole get back down it's hole or if you hit the "cute" mole.

Along with the cuteness and wonderful music the controls are exactly what you'd expect and it overall makes for a very appealing and very fun game that is addictive. Whilst it is simple it gets faster and keeps you on your toes and turns out to be a really good reaction test later in the game. Whilst it does get a little bit repetitive it is fun and you will enjoy it for as long as it has you hooked.
Addictiveness-7/10 It is fun and although it does get a bit samey after a while you'll find yourself giving it another go
Controls-8/10 They do their job and are responsive and accurate. Whilst it's not as much fan as using a hammer like in the arcade version it is very playable.
Graphics-6/10 Cute and cheerful though a bit samey and it's the same image all the time.
Sounds-9/10 A real delight and one that would fit in well with much more expensive console games
Originality-4/10 There is a number of similar games on the Android market and there is similar games in arcades so it's not unique.
Total score: 34/50
Overall the game is fun, addictive, charming and has some of the best music I've heard on any Android game so far. Although it's simple and fun it certainly won't be the longest lasting game you play on an android phone and it certainly doesn't push the Samsung Galaxy S2 anywhere near it's boundaries. Fun and cheery but limited.
Game mark B
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