The title screen (to the right) looks pretty and cute but gives you nothing really to write home about. It's nice but nothing special and that's sort of the feeling you do get a lot of with the the game which in principle is a puzzle game that gets the mind working. As indicated by the title screen the character you need to help out is a mouse which gets trapped in a variety of situations. In fact with around 1200 levels to the game you could almost assume this is a mouse that actually wants to be trapped.

As you can see the game doesn't look amazing graphically but is a solid display and everything is clear and chunky, you won't be getting confused between the mouse and the blocks. Though again it's the feeling of it being "nice" as opposed to good. Things aren't helped the combination of some very simple levels and the limited (and dull) sound effects when you move a block.
What you may find about the game is that the concept is simple and the levels are
decent en

With so much to do, you will find it takes a lot of beating though you will also feel like you are grinding through it rather than enjoying it which isn't a feeling you want from a game.
Addictiveness-5/10 It will keep you entertained for 5 minutes at a time
Controls-7/10 Simple and effective but they do work well.
Graphics-6/10 Simple but dull in places. Although the later levels do look different you may never get around to seeing them.
Sounds-2/10 A garish dragging sound isn't particularly appealing, especially not when it's the only sound the game makes
Originality-5/10 Although there is a lot of these on the market they aren't a clone of classic, just more a clone of each other.
Total score 25/50
Overall the game is fun but only in short bursts and this kind of takes away from the fact it should be able to keep you playing for longer. With 100 levels in the laboratory alone you can lose the will to live long before you complete the games first real world.
Game mark C+
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