Anyway now we've returned to Android Games Reviews we've returned with Wordfeud a multiplayer scrabble clone that has become on my most played games on my phone. As you can see from the screen shot on the right this is essentially Scrabble under a different name with slightly differently set "bonus" squares and and the letters scores have been tinkered with slightly.

Whilst the graphics are simple and the sounds are relatively minimal what the game does wonderfully is is allow you and a friend to play head to head to try and out score each other.
The rules are basic, you are given a "rack" of 7 letters with which to make words on the board and try to accumulate more points than your opponent. You word must connect with at least one other word currently on the board and when all the letters (or "tiles") are used the player with the highest score wins. Despite being awfully simple the competitive nature of the game will have you hooked and the fact you can spice up the board with the bonus squares randomised and playing randomly selected players makes the game a good time waster.
The game also has a chat function in if you wish to flirt...or taunt your opponents.
The game has 2 issues that I'm not a big fan of, mainly that your wins and losses don't seem to be recorded any where which is a bit of a shame and the adverts. Whilst the adverts do lead to the game being free they just seem a little bit too frequent for my liking. However neither of these detract from an excellent game and a game that truly shows how excellent the internet can be used for gaming with an android phone.
Addictiveness-8/10 The competitive nature really hooks you.
Controls-7/10 Simple but they work. The game really couldn't have much simpler controls.
Graphics-5/10 They do their job.
Sounds-2/10 Very simply sounds, nothing to be shocked or amazed by.
Originality-5/10 It's scrabble with a slight twist.
Total score 27/50
Very fun and shows the ability to make truly online multiplayer android games. This is a success and who cares if it's a clone of Scrabble?
Game mark B
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